Ya han sido publicados los nominados 2015 a los Premios Eisner (Los Oscars de los comics) en donde me sorprende que Fantagraphics logro tener 18 nominaciones, aunque también lo lograron DC y Marvel.
Los ganadores los conoceremos en 10 de julio en el marco de la Comic-Con de San Diego. Los Nominados en cada una de las categorías son:

Estatuilla de los Premios Eisner
Mejor Historia Corta
- “Beginning’s End”, de Rina Ayuyang, muthamagazine.com
- “Corpse on the Imjin!”, by Peter Kuper, en Masterful Marks: Cartoonists Who Changed the World (Simon & Schuster)
- “Rule Number One”, de Lee Bermejo, en Batman Black and White #3 (DC)
- “The Sound of One Hand Clapping”, de Max Landis & Jock, in Adventures of Superman #14 (DC)
- “When the Darkness Presses”, de Emily Carroll, http://emcarroll.com/comics/darkness
Mejor Número
- Astro City #16: “Wish I May” de Kurt Busiek & Brent Anderson (Vertigo/DC)
- Beasts of Burden: Hunters and Gatherers, de Evan Dorkin & Jill Thompson (Dark Horse)
- Madman in Your Face 3D Special, de Mike Allred (Image)
- Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration #1 (Marvel)
- The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1, de Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely (DC)
Mejor Serie Regular
- Astro City, de Kurt Busiek & Brent Anderson (Vertigo)
- Bandette, de Paul Tobin & Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain)
- Hawkeye, de Matt Fraction & David Aja (Marvel)
- Saga, de Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (Image)
- Southern Bastards, de Jason Aaron & Jason Latour (Image)
- The Walking Dead, de Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, & Stefano Gaudiano (Image/Skybound)
Mejor Serie Limitada
- Daredevil: Road Warrior, de Mark Waid & Peter Krause (Marvel Infinite Comics)
- Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, de Eric Shanower & Gabriel Rodriguez (IDW)
- The Multiversity, de Grant Morrison et al. (DC)
- The Private Eye, de Brian K. Vaughan & Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate)
- The Sandman: Overture, de Neil Gaiman & J. H. Williams III (Vertigo/DC)
Mejor Serie Nueva
- The Fade Out, de Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips (Image)
- Lumberjanes, de Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson, & Brooke A. Allen (BOOM! Box)
- Ms. Marvel, de G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona (Marvel)
- Rocket Raccoon, de Skottie Young (Marvel)
- The Wicked + The Divine, de Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Mejor Publicación para Primeros Lectores (7 años)
- BirdCatDog, de Lee Nordling & Meritxell Bosch (Lerner/Graphic Universe)
- A Cat Named Tim And Other Stories, de John Martz (Koyama Press)
- Hello Kitty, Hello 40: A Celebration in 40 Stories, editado por Traci N. Todd & Elizabeth Kawasaki (VIZ)
- Mermin, Book 3: Deep Dives, de Joey Weiser (Oni)
- The Zoo Box, de Ariel Cohn & Aron Nels Steinke (First Second)
Mejor Publicación para Niños (8 – 12 años)
- Batman Li’l Gotham, vol. 2, de Derek Fridolfs & Dustin Nguyen (DC)
- El Deafo, de Cece Bell (Amulet/Abrams)
- I Was the Cat, de Paul Tobin & Benjamin Dewey (Oni)
- Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, de Eric Shanower & Gabriel Rodriguez (IDW)
- Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse, de Art Baltazar & Franco (DC)
Mejor Publicación para Jóvenes (13 y 17 años)
- Doomboy, de Tony Sandoval (Magnetic Press)
- The Dumbest Idea Ever, de Jimmy Gownley (Graphix/Scholastic)
- Lumberjanes, de Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson, & Brooke A. Allen (BOOM! Box)
- Meteor Men, de Jeff Parker & Sandy Jarrell (Oni)
- The Shadow Hero, de Gene Luen Yang & Sonny Liew (First Second)
- The Wrenchies, de Farel Dalrymple (First Second)
Mejor Publicación de Humor
- The Complete Cul de Sac, de Richard Thompson (Andrews McMeel)
- Dog Butts and Love. And Stuff Like That. And Cats. de Jim Benton (NBM)
- Groo vs. Conan, de Sergio Aragonés, Mark Evanier, & Tom Yeates (Dark Horse)
- Rocket Raccoon, de Skottie Young (Marvel)
- Superior Foes of Spider-Man, by Nick Spencer & Steve Lieber (Marvel)
Mejor Cómic Digital/Web
- Bandette, de Paul Tobin & Colleen Coover, Monkeybrain/comiXology.com
- Failing Sky de Dax Tran-Caffee, http://failingsky.com
- The Last Mechanical Monster, de Brian Fies, http://lastmechanicalmonster.blogspot.com
- Nimona, de Noelle Stephenson, http://gingerhaze.com/nimona/comic
- The Private Eye de Brian Vaughan & Marcos Martin http://panelsyndicate.com/
Mejor Antología
- In the Dark: A Horror Anthology, editado por Rachel Deering (Tiny Behemoth Press/IDW)
- Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream, editado por Josh O’Neill, Andrew Carl, & Chris Stevens (Locust Moon)
- Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It, editado por Anne Ishii, Chip Kidd, & Graham Kolbeins (Fantagraphics)
- Masterful Marks: Cartoonists Who Changed the World, editado por Monte Beauchamp (Simon & Schuster)
- To End All Wars: The Graphic Anthology of The First World War, editado por Jonathan Clode & John Stuart Clark (Soaring Penguin)
Mejor Trabajo Inspirado en la Realidad
- Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? de Roz Chast (Bloomsbury)
- Dragon’s Breath and Other True Stories, de MariNaomi (2d Cloud/Uncivilized Books)
- El Deafo, de Cece Bell (Amulet/Abrams)
- Hip Hop Family Tree, vol. 2, de Ed Piskor (Fantagraphics)
- Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood, de Nathan Hale (Abrams)
- To End All Wars: The Graphic Anthology of The First World War, editado por Jonathan Clode & John Stuart Clark (Soaring Penguin)
Mejor Álbum Gráfico – Nuevo
- The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil, de Stephen Collins (Picador)
- Here, de Richard McGuire (Pantheon)
- Kill My Mother, de Jules Feiffer (Liveright)
- The Motherless Oven, de Rob Davis (SelfMadeHero)
- Seconds, de Bryan Lee O’Malley (Ballantine Books)
- This One Summer, de Mariko Tamaki & Jillian Tamaki (First Second)
Mejor Álbum Gráfico – Reimpresión
- Dave Dorman’s Wasted Lands Omnibus (Magnetic Press)
- How to Be Happy, de Eleanor Davis (Fantagraphics)
- Jim, de Jim Woodring (Fantagraphics)
- Sock Monkey Treasury, de Tony Millionaire (Fantagraphics)
- Through the Woods, de Emily Carroll (McElderry Books)
Mejor Colección Archivo / Proyecto – Tiras
- Winsor McCay’s Complete Little Nemo, editado por Alexander Braun (TASCHEN)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Tarzan: The Sunday Comics, 1933–1935, por Hal Foster, editado por Brendan Wright (Dark Horse)
- Moomin: The Deluxe Anniversary Edition, por Tove Jansson, editado por by Tom Devlin (Drawn & Quarterly)
- Pogo, vol. 3: Evidence to the Contrary, de Walt Kelly, editado por Carolyn Kelly & Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
- Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse, vols. 5-6, por Floyd Gottfredson, editado por David Gerstein & Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Mejor Colección Archivo / Proyecto – Comic books
- The Complete ZAP Comix Box Set, edited by Gary Groth, with Mike Catron (Fantagraphics)
- Steranko Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Artist’s Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
- Walt Disney’s Donald Duck: Trail of the Unicorn, by Carl Barks, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
- Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck: The Son of the Son, by Don Rosa, edited by David Gerstein (Fantagraphics)
- Walt Kelly’s Pogo: The Complete Dell Comics, vols. 1–2, edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes)
- Witzend, by Wallace Wood et al., edited by Gary Groth, with Mike Catron (Fantagraphics)
Mejor Edición Norteamericana de Material Internacional
- Beautiful Darkness, de Fabien Vehlmann & Kerascoët (Drawn & Quarterly)
- Blacksad: Amarillo, de Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido (Dark Horse)
- Corto Maltese: Under the Sign of Capricorn, de Hugo Pratt (IDW/Euro Comics)
- Jaybird, de Lauri & Jaakko Ahonen (Dark Horse/SAF)
- The Leaning Girl, de Benoît Peeters & François Schuiten (Alaxis Press)
Mejor Edición Norteamericana de Material Internacional – Asia
- All You Need Is Kill, de Hiroshi Sakurazaka, Ryosuke Takeuchi, Takeshi Obata & yoshitoshi ABe (VIZ)
- In Clothes Called Fat, de Moyoco Anno (Vertical)
- Master Keaton, vol 1, de Naoki Urasawa, Hokusei Katsushika, & Takashi Nagasaki (VIZ)
- One-Punch Man, de One & Yusuke Murata (VIZ)
- Showa 1939–1943 and Showa 1944–1953: A History of Japan, de Shigeru Mizuki (Drawn & Quarterly)
- Wolf Children: Ame & Yuki, de Mamoru Hosada & Yu (Yen Press)
Mejor Escritor
- Jason Aaron, Original Sin, Thor, Men of Wrath (Marvel); Southern Bastards (Image)
- Kelly Sue DeConnick, Captain Marvel (Marvel); Pretty Deadly (Image)
- Grant Morrison, The Multiversity (DC); Annihilator (Legendary Comics)
- Brian K. Vaughan, Saga (Image); Private Eye (Panel Syndicate)
- G. Willow Wilson, Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
- Gene Luen Yang, Avatar: The Last Airbender (Dark Horse); The Shadow Hero (First Second)
Mejor Escritor /Artista
- Sergio Aragonés, Sergio Aragonés Funnies (Bongo); Groo vs. Conan (Dark Horse)
- Charles Burns, Sugar Skull (Pantheon)
- Stephen Collins, The Giant Beard That Was Evil (Picador)
- Richard McGuire, Here (Pantheon)
- Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo: Senso, Usagi Yojimbo Color Special: The Artist (Dark Horse)
- Raina Telgemeier, Sisters (Graphix/Scholastic)
Mejor Dibujante / Entintador
- Adrian Alphona, Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
- Mike Allred, Silver Surfer (Marvel); Madman in Your Face 3D Special (Image)
- Frank Quitely, Multiversity (DC)
- François Schuiten, The Leaning Girl (Alaxis Press)
- Fiona Staples, Saga (Image)
- Babs Tarr, Batgirl (DC)
Mejor Pintor / Artista Multimedia (interior)
- Lauri & Jaakko Ahonen, Jaybird (Dark Horse)
- Colleen Coover, Bandette (Monkeybrain)
- Mike Del Mundo, Elektra (Marvel)
- Juanjo Guarnido, Blacksad: Amarillo (Dark Horse)
- J. H. Williams III, The Sandman: Overture (Vertigo/DC)
Mejor Artista de Portada
- Darwyn Cooke, DC Comics Darwyn Cooke Month Variant Covers (DC)
- Mike Del Mundo, Elektra, X-Men: Legacy, A+X, Dexter, Dexter Down Under (Marvel)
- Francesco Francavilla, Afterlife with Archie (Archie); Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight (Dark Horse); The Twilight Zone, Django/Zorro (Dynamite); X-Files (IDW)
- Jamie McKelvie/Matthew Wilson, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
Phil Noto, Black Widow (Marvel) - Alex Ross, Astro City (Vertigo/DC); Batman 66: The Lost Episode, Batman 66 Meets Green Hornet (DC/Dynamite)
Mejor Colorista
- Laura Allred, Silver Surfer (Marvel); Madman in Your Face 3D Special (Image)
- Nelson Dániel, Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, Judge Dredd, Wild Blue Yonder (IDW)
- Lovern Kindzierski, The Graveyard Book, vols. 1-2 (Harper)
- Matthew Petz, The Leg (Top Shelf)
- Dave Stewart, Hellboy in Hell, BPRD, Abe Sapien, Baltimore, Lobster Johnson, Witchfinder, Shaolin Cowboy, Aliens: Fire and Stone, DHP (Dark Horse)
- Matthew Wilson, Adventures of Superman (DC); The Wicked + The Divine (Image), Daredevil, Thor (Marvel)
Mejor Rotulación
- Joe Caramagna, Ms. Marvel, Daredevil (Marvel)
- Todd Klein, Fables, The Sandman: Overture, The Unwritten (Vertigo/DC); Nemo: The Roses of Berlin (Top Shelf)
- Max, Vapor (Fantagraphics)
- Jack Morelli, Afterlife with Archie, Archie, Betty and Veronica, etc. (Archie)
- Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo: Senso, Usagi Yojimbo Color Special: The Artist (Dark Horse)
Mejor Periódico Relacionado con Cómics / Periodismo
- Alter Ego, editado por Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
- Comic Book Creator, editado por Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows)
- Comic Book Resources, editado por Jonah Weiland, www.comicbookresources.com
- Comics Alliance, editado por Andy Khouri, Caleb Goellner, Andrew Wheeler, & Joe Hughes, www.comicsalliance.com
- tcj.com, editado por Dan Nadel & Timothy Hodler (Fantagraphics)
Mejor Publicación Relacionada con Cómics
- Comics Through Time: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas (4 vols.), editado por M. Keith Booker (ABC-CLIO)
- Creeping Death from Neptune: The Life and Comics of Basil Wolverton, de Greg Sadowski (Fantagraphics)
- Genius Animated: The Cartoon Art of Alex Toth, vol. 3, de Dean Mullaney & Bruce Canwell (IDW/LOAC)
- What Fools These Mortals Be: The Story of Puck, de Michael Alexander Kahn & Richard Samuel West (IDW/LOAC)
- 75 Years of Marvel Comics: From the Golden Age to the Silver Screen, de Roy Thomas & Josh Baker (TASCHEN)
Mejor Trabajo Académico
- American Comics, Literary Theory, and Religion: The Superhero Afterlife, de A. David Lewis (Palgrave Macmillan)
- Considering Watchmen: Poetics, Property, Politics, de Andrew Hoberek (Rutgers University Press)
- Funnybooks: The Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books, de Michael Barrier (University of California Press)
- Graphic Details: Jewish Women’s Confessional Comics in Essays and Interviews, editado por Sarah Lightman (McFarland)
- The Origins of Comics: From William Hogarth to Winsor McCay, de Thierry Smolderen, traducidos por Bart Beaty & Nick Nguyen (University Press of Mississippi)
- Wide Awake in Slumberland: Fantasy, Mass Culture, and Modernism in the Art of Winsor McCay, de Katherine Roeder (University Press of Mississippi)
Mejor Diseño de Publicación
- Batman: Kelley Jones Gallery Edition, diseñado por Josh Beatman/Brainchild Studios (Graphitti/DC)
- The Complete ZAP Comix Box Set, diseñado por Tony Ong (Fantagraphics)
- Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream, diseñado por Jim Rugg (Locust Moon)
- Street View, diseñado por Pascal Rabate (NBM/Comics Lit)
- Winsor McCay’s Complete Little Nemo, diseñado por Anna Tina Kessler (TASCHEN)
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